There are rumors that Galie Le Jier and Xiong Dailing are at loggerheads due to the difference in their pay. The rumor was dissipated after both of them attended a Prada function at Beijing. They agreed to take photos together under the media’s persistent request.
‘Trembled Blossoms’ was being shown during the function and other famous celebrities were invited too. The 2 top models were the main attraction for the whole show.
The media probed Galie Le whether she feel awkward about the meeting. She replied that she do not mind at all. As both of them are here for work and they have met before. Xiong Dailing indicated that she do not know how to speak English thus have communicating problems with Galie Le. However, Galie thinks it’s not such a big deal as many models do not speak English well.
When asked further by the media about the rumors, Xiong Dialing finally stood out and verified that they are not true and they really are not enemies.