Shah Rukh Khan, The King Of Bollywood

In India, he is the god of today. Posters sold at par with images of gods, the fans wrote to him with their blood, shrines built in her name. More than that, life's journey and struggles with her ​​love just amazing Bollywood movies which he starred. In an exclusive industry that had only provide a place for family members, breaking the tradition of Shah Rukh. Although his family was not among the cinema, nor the rich, he proved just how hard work and steely determination able to break down all the myths and make it able to meet the diverse challenges. His status as a Muslim in the middle of the dominant Hindu, even making a rare superstar and make it even survived the terror and the threat of mafia killings of India. The rise and fall in making a career of this charismatic man more wise in dealing with his life. Now he was hailed as the King Khan.